Custom Order Whips

Custom orders usually take 2-4 weeks to be completed depending on my schedule and supplies on hand. Payment in full is expected when the order is placed. I currently accept payment via Paypal only. To place an order contact me at

Prices below are for custom built whips made in one or two colors. Additional colors can be included at additional cost. Wondering what colors are available? Check out The Paracord Store.

Do you have something particular in mind but don't see it on my site? Drop me an email, I'm happy to work with you to create a one of a kind whip just for you!

Pro Bullwhip

The Pro Bullwhip features a weighted core, 2 plaited bellies, and a 16 plait overlay. Handles are usually 1/4" steel or fiberglass rod. Optionally, for a more "classic" bullwhip feel, a spike can be used for the handle. Spike handles require an 18 plait overlay.

An optional transition knot or wrist strap can be added for a minor fee, making the whip match the Indiana Jones aesthetic.

  • 4.5' $120 + S&H
  • 6' $150 + S&H
  • 8' $185 + S&H
  • 10' $250 + S&H
  • 12' $300 + S&H

Indy Style Bullwhip

Indy style bullwhips are built in the same manner as by Pro Bullwhip but with the addition of a transition knot and a wrist strap. They can be additionally customized just like any other whip.

  • 6' $185 + S&H
  • 8' $220 + S&H
  • 10' $285 + S&H
  • 12' $335 + S&H

Economy Bullwhip

Economy bullwhips have a tapered, weighted core with a 16 plait overlay. You can select between 1/4" steel or fiberglass rod for the handle. Although visually identical to the pro bullwhip, these whips do not have plaited bellies, making them a more economical option while still offering an excellent rollout.

  • 4.5' $90 + S&H
  • 6' $120 + S&H
  • 8' $150 + S&H
  • 10' $200 + S&H
  • 12' $250 + S&H


Stockwhip lengths are measured for the thong only. For handles I usually do 1/2 plait over your choice of 5/8" oak or poplar. Add $25 for full plait. Although stockwhips are frequently used in pairs, prices below are for singles.

  • 3.5' $110 + S&H
  • 4' $130 + S&H
  • 5' $150 + S&H
  • 6' $180 + S&H

Snake Whips

In the United State when we hear the word "whip" we tend to think of the wild west and the bullwhip. But snake whips were likely more common for cowboys as they could be easily rolled up and stuck into a saddle bag

Construction is similar to the pro bullwhip, but without a solid handle. Additional weighting is added to the core to make up for the leverage loss from not having a handle,

  • 4.5' $120 + S&H
  • 6' $150 + S&H
  • 8' $185 + S&H
  • 10' $250 + S&H
  • 12' $300 + S&H

Juggling Whips

I now offer 3'10" juggling whips made in the Winrich/Bonk style. These whips feature a fiberglass handle, a weighted tapered core, and ungutted strands of paracord for the overlay. By design, these whips are unwaxed.

Here's a video of Aaron Bonk trying out a set of my whips.

Not a juggler? That's OK, these still make excellent economy whips that are easy to crack. And the short length makes them an excellent choice for Latigo Y Daga training.

  • Singles $95 + S&H
  • Matched set of 3 $280 + S&H (approx $93 each)
  • Matched set of 4 $360 + S&H (approx $90 each)
  • Matched set of 5 $440 + S&H (approx $88 each)
  • Matched set of 6 $510 + S&H (approx $85 each)

Pocket Snake Whip

At 2 feet long, and with a short fall, pocket snake whips can quite literally, fit in your pocket. Although they are economical, I don't recommend these for beginners as the short length is difficult to learn the correct motions for cracking.

These can be used as hat bands, and make excellent gifts for the cat herder or whip fanatic in your life!
  • $40 + $10 S&H

White Whips

Many whip performers prefer white whips as they contrast well against most backgrounds, making them easy for the audience to see. Of course white whips will quickly pick up dirt and stains from anything they touch, so most performers are also in the habit of spray painting them to keep them white!

Working with white paracord and making sure that the whip is pristine afterward requires a significantly higher level of care and cleanliness than usual. Because of this I do charge an additional fee of $5 per foot. This additional fee is applied to the handles of stockwhips as well.

This surcharge applies to whips that are 40% or more white.

Shipping and Handling

I typically ship USPS with tracking and insurance. For most whips I charge a flat rate of $25 to ship within the continental US. If you live outside the continental US contact me to figure out shipping costs.

If you live in the Chicago area and want to save on the shipping cost, I'm usually open to meeting up and giving you your whip in person.